Tuesday, 8 March 2016

15 Powers of Thought

  1. Your thought is the architect that designs the master plan of your life
  2. What you think about most often you will surely dream of
  3. The more you think positively the less you act negatively
  4. The force of positive thought activates the power of      creativity
  5. Positive thought is the first step towards uncommon achievements
  6. You need to think great in order to live great
  7. When you think the way ordinary men think, you live the kind of life ordinary men live
  8. When you think negatively you speed up the rate of failure. Negative thought is a recipe for disaster
  9. Where positive thought dies off is where worry begins (the environment of negativity)
  10. When your thought is small you belittle the power of your Maker
  11. Where thoughts of good exist evil cannot thrive
  12. When you think the way extraordinary men think you will live the kind of life extraordinary men live
  13. Your level of thought is a reflection of the company you keep (Minds that think alike flock together)
  14. Whether you win or you lose it all begins with your thought.
  15. The harvests you reap today are the seed of thoughts you sowed yesterday
Dear friend what shapes your habit is your daily thought, and what shapes your life is your habit. You cannot disassociate who you are and become from the symphony created from your thoughts. Make your thoughts count and your life will count.

This is Monday UK saying ENJOY.

Culled from the book 'Unveiling the Secrets of Greatness' by Monday Utomwen

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